Staff will always have the final say and interpretation of the rules for which punishments may vary depending on offence, record, and severity. If you believe a staff member is misinterpreting the rules or abusing their power, please open a staff complaint ticket on our Discord Server where the matter will be properly dealt with by management.
Random Deathmatch (RDM)
- Randomly killing players.
Vehicle Deathmatch (VDM)
Unrealistic Driving
No Intention To Roleplay (NITRP)
Leaving To Avoid Punishment (LTAP)
Fail Roleplay (FRP/FailRP)
New Life Rule (NLR)
Hitman Roleplay
Military Roleplay
Cop Baiting
Twitch and Discord Terms of Service
Hate Speech
Fear Roleplay (FearRP)
Hacking & Exloiting
Staff Impersonation
Breaking Character
Sexual Roleplay
Microphone Clarification
Malicious Material
Common Sense
Updated on: 05/08/24 at 13:26 by Callum